New Clone of GDT hitting facebook :(

I think they seem better and more explain more than GDT review system, but it’s hard to judge when the mechanics when we haven’t tried it yet :stuck_out_tongue:


-_- look at GGM. It’s a complete copy, and someone’s just got in, got the general gameplay, changed the graphics with some Cr^ppy icons, and added some new features! I bet if we go into their code, we’ll see some of GHG’s original code.

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It’s true that they are very similar but just look at it. it looks awesome. that’s all i have to say. lol.

Yeah, but it boasts of way too much stuff, and I’m still skeptical whether it will deliver or not. I’ve always wanted a visually superior Gamebiz or an upgrade of GDT with plethora of advanced options (hell, you modders made most of that happen and continue to do so…)

@Cazran this isn’t a blatant rip off of GDT, stop siding with the wrong sides, lol.

The only reason the people saying it’s a rip off are saying it’s a rip off because of the grahpics- it really looks a lot more diverse, and I might even buy a copy myself. It has some more features, some might be improved, some might be uninmproved. But hey, don’t judge a book by it’s cover. The game might be really good, and maybe (although I doubt it) better than GDT.

TL;DR: Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.

EDIT: also, take a look at the features page and you’ll be able to see how different it is.


Can you buy a copy for me too? :stuck_out_tongue:

@MrRain I’m doing Corn this year, (basically just detasseling corn for a few weeks) and plan on getting $800. Let’s see how you stack up in the apljee-gives-you-a-game-for-free leaderboards. :stuck_out_tongue:

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What must I do oh wise one?

Their is a new competitor named Aswin who also wants a copy from the almighty Apljee

lol yeah okay, that’s just silly…


Oowh wow…gdt also has celeberty names (although not the real ones, but parodys) and no one conplains about that

@apljee They’ve had a lot of time to add and implement new things since GHG’s release.

@PatrickKlug @Charlie What are your views on GGM?

Look at the cons. It’s taking a pot shot at GDT.
I too would like their view on this. Will it mean a competition between the two of them or will GHG ignore them?

The forums are online :slight_smile:

Lol, You are the @LineLiar on GGM fourms :smile:

Yeah…Im reaction on evrything that is interesting…and atm its a lot :stuck_out_tongue: Also on this forum I do that :slight_smile:



Uhmm yes ?? there are transgenders?

@Aswin_Vos I think it’s for people who don’t want to reveal their gender though

Give it 2 weeks upon release someone devs a trainer and ruins the game!

Game Dev Tycoon FTW!