[NEED HELP] UME Custom Code

There someone tutorial for UME’s Custom Code?

It isn’t developed yet, as it says t.t
anyways, custom code is just regular javascript
wasn’t that obvious t.t?


Just use the damn Notepad bekoz UL is buggy like “Air Control”.

so…wich name the “Custom Code” will be?Could I delete Custom Code from .zip?

…quit calling it custom code t.t
anyways, it should not be automatically written yet, the tab just exists

so…theres a way to put a option in-game? @tmch


define option

you mean put option on the javascript?

no, you want to put a option in-game
what do you mean by option
where do you want to put this option

its like sequel or new game or…an action

Game creation screen?
Or do you mean a menu item?

the two or three but in my mind I think this is too complex what I would do:
New DLC(the DLC is for making the game dont get off the market for a time)
New Remake(you know what I mean but need atleast 5 years the game released to make a remake of a game and will have two options inside this “HD Remake”(just rework the game to run in HD Resolution,in case if non is the release atleast the first mbox will not have this)and a “TOTAL Remake”(remade the game to get better reviews(than the HD Remake)and bring more fans than usually and you need atleast the tes for this)
New Free To Play(you know you just get money when cash purchase and will receive more money than MMO…because F2P)
New Colection( is just like a HD Remake but get more Time to complete(because you will rework the 3 games) you have max number of 3(or 5) games to select (sequels allowed) and put a name on this and max of 3 console and will bring more money and fans than sequel and remake)
New Spin-Off(you know is a game based on this but not a sequel)
I just thinked it :blush:

mh. should be ‘easy’ (easy to write, but requires knowledge of shiny stuff)…

what you mean with


to modify the original game code by mod.

you know how I do that?

Beautify gdt/compressed/codeNw.js or ask GHG for the unobfuscated source code of GDT. You can appeal for it on their github stuff, I though.
Study the code and make magic happen.

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wow I think this will just can be reached(for me)after complete release my game

I have a trouble…
A error appear and say:

Cannot read experience of null

error log/output please t.t