[NEED HELP] OS Dev Tycoon

I have this idea of a game called OS Dev tycoon i want to create it but i need help from other people to create it heres an example of what it would be like:

(start of game)
Name of the company
then it would have like a screen were you start off and it has options like
[1] Create an OS
[2] Find staff
[3] Continue Development on OS (only if you used #1)
then on the create an os it would have a ton of options for things an OS should have

Maybe provide some of your work before posting this unpunctuated, boring, and unoriginal concept. People aren’t going to want to help if you don’t have something to show for it.

Please, do not take this the wrong way. I am just trying to be blunt. :wink:

My work…

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This luuk similar to my idea…

Not really as in your idea you want Green heart games to make it im making mine my self
also yours is about making computers mine is about making an operating system yes there is a difference
(making an os would be like microsoft making windows)
(making a computer would be like HP or ASUS making the computer or a laptop)

Oh. Sorry…

Good concept but can you please link me directly to the repository?

i havent really started it yet because idk what coding language i should use i know a few Java, JavaScript, C#

OS DEV TYCOON (Coming Soon)
My plans

  • 30 Years mode
  • 35 Years mode
  • Epic Battle (1 year to make the best os ever)
    *create an Operating system (OS)
    *create a computer (maybe)
    Yes this should be it for now

PLZ MAKE OS DEV TYCOON!!! :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::spaghetti::gift::gift:

calm down.
this won’t happen

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I hope not.
Just wait dude.

I might decide to do this not sure if i want to yet but maybe

i might make an announcement on this game later on probably tonight maybe tomorrow maybe in the future

do you need help?
Contact me pleaseee :wink:


Oh no. Peradev is back. Oh no. @CrumpDev the day has come.

I see the assassins failed again. I knew I shouldn’t’ve hired the Brotherhood.

You were meant to hire the Sisterhood.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA funny! :smiley: