It has come to my attention that my company has made games that are too successful. After 77 years, the entire world seems to be addicted to my games! It has ruined the economy, and social aspects of the human race.
I cannot live with what I have done to humanity. It is too late for me to fix this.
Please, implement a way for me to send some terrorists back in time so they can destroy my company before it even gets off the ground. The world will be a better place.
It has come to my attention, that your company, Greenheart Games, has made a game called Game Dev Tycoon. Which i made a company named Greenheart Games in it. It is too successful. After 50 years, it has achieved well over 1.5 Billion Money. It has ruined the children, they have been playing The Older Scrolls 11 and GTM Bay of All Tony all the time. The economy is ruined aswell, as the amount of people who have bought the latest Space Invators game are astounding, well reaching over 10 billion people and over the population of earth. The Extra Terrestrials are invading to get their games. Please send an awful developer to year 7 and make him their employee.