Naming your game engine / game after it's done

I sometimes forget to remember to name my game engine and game…so I never can keep track of what it is.
I think doing it AFTER you make the engine and the game is done or in development mode is when you should name it.

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Already a thread addressing this issue :smiley:

Right here!

I also do this sometimes but I really don’t care. It’s just a matter of creating a new one.

It does kinda take you out of the game if you forget and the game is a hit. Don’t like being known as the maker the hit Action/RPG Game #47. I named the sequel 47 returns.

For engines you do you really need a name to give it ‘personality’? Sure there’s Unreal, Glassbox, Frostbite. Well maybe other people like to roleplay to that extent, but naming the games and the company is far enough for me.
Although instead of having the default engine name be “Game Engine ##” I think it should name it the current game date, i.e. Y13 M4 W1, you know for the purposes of sequels so you know when you changed engines. That’s what I do.