My small project - Hardware Tycoon

Its really good, and its not even finished yet. I wish you luck :wink:

Thanks! I hope it can live up to your expectations

Just a little advice, I tryed playing the game on Very Hardā€¦ My opinion: Too easy. The game is currently too easy. Atleast for me xD

Looks really promising so far, keep up the good work man :slight_smile:

Mom: Haxor! Stop watching hentai and go outsiā€“
Haxor: No!
Mom: Why not?!
Haxor: Here, look!

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Well, one person is producing and selling 10 millions processors. That is impossible, right? :v
From all difficulties right now, V.Hard is most enjoyable :wink:

Anyway, tweaks, new features, fixes, tweaks and tweaks again.

Yeah, I guess so. Maybe in the future it will be harder

Yeah, Iā€™m aware, the current sales algorithm isnā€™t taking many things into count yet, Iā€™ll be working on it :slight_smile:

Awesome! If only I had a computer that was strong enough, but my pc canā€™t handle programming games too wellā€¦ Iā€™m barely testing my mod 'cause GDT is going 15 FPS xD

Rip in pieces

Yay, you finally continued HardwareZ.

i wish i understood hardware so i can play this game

Any updates or have you given up?

None of the aboveā€¦
Itā€™s not cancelled or anything, I just donā€™t have time. Most of the 0.2 version is done, just need to do the worst part


To be honest this small game reminds me of my old idea. Which in fact it is all about computers (or hardware).

Anyways I still loooove this game @Haxor. :heart_eyes:

Are you gonna release this as a standalone game at some point?

There were lots of ideas/requests for a game like GDT but hardware only, I just wanted to make it a reality :wink:
Thanks for the feedback, and yes I plan on making a standalone file when 0.2 comes out eventually

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Nah you can do it if you want.

What would differentiate sandbox from a normal playthrough?

Idk i like sandbox mode becuase i dont like being bankruppted in this game.
It gives me the Triggered look.

Ah I see. :smile: