Hello everyone! I just wanna say the modding community does seem pretty talented so far. I’ve had some mod ideas, though I don’t necessarily have the skills in order to make them. I don’t exactly want to only make new topics, consoles, etc I’d like to add some newer functions, but since I lack that kind of skill, I’ll voice my ideas here and see if any of you guys agree that it could be a mod or not.
Franchise Founder - Create official gaming franchises, with such examples as Sonic the Hedghehog, Crash Bandicoot, Call of Duty, GTA, etc. Rather than just making sequels and calling it a “franchise” verbally, let the game know it’s another game in the franchise (and even possibly have the antics of Guitar Hero and release games too quickly). I wouldn’t mind starting off the game being able to develop say a Wolfenstein parody franchise, them go onto to Duke Nukem and Doom ones, too. This could also include selling off franchises that you’re no longer interested in (though this means compatibility with something like the Competitor Mod)
Not Just Sequels, Prequels, too! - Prequels should honestly be a thing in vanilla. Sequels aren’t the only thing that exists, but I’d think adding an Option “Prequel…” or when clicking “Sequel…” you get an option make it a Sequel-Prequel like MGS3 or upcoming Mirror’s Edge 2. This might be able to go under the franchise mod idea though.
Reboots/Reimaginings - Reboots would be pretty cool if the last game in your franchise tanked. You can do this in a way right now by waiting a number of years before making a “sequel” to the last game, but that’s not essentially a reboot. Something like the game realizing you’re trying to revitalize the series and makes it a bit harder to make a come back, but if you do, you get well rewarded for it (ie they recognized some elements from the previous version of the series changed). Take Tomb Raider 2013 and Shadow Warrior as an example of that.
Advanced Game Creation - I don’t mind the sliders, but maybe give us a little more control with a mod. I’d like to at least see “Multi-Platform” be more than just three slots. Multi-Platform maybe being six at the very least. Setting up the price of the game within the menu screen of Stage 3 rather than having to click on the ground and Set Price would be cool, too. Adding little short text to explain why your games are Mature. A reworked Audience system, too. Instead of Youth, Everyone, Mature - it should reflect ESRB ratings E, E10+, Teen, Mature, Adults Only (the latter not necessarily needing to be there).
Working For a Publisher (Not Just Contracts) or Sonny/Micronoft/Ninvento Multi-Console and Single Console Mode - This would be interesting. Choosing to sign your studio to a major publisher like Sonny, Micronoft, Ninvento, Active Visionaries, UberSoft, etc and being designated each time you finish a game on what game to make next would add some realism (of course this should still be optional). You could eventually leave the company after a few years and work with a multi-console publisher or publisher your own games. Basically, if you work under being published by Sonny you can only publish games for the PlaySystem franchise. Same with Micronoft with its MBox and PC, for example. However, if you end up publishing with Active Visionaries, it’d be multi-console with occasionally creating a publishing deal for an exclusive title (ie EA’s TItanfall for Xbox One, 360 and PC). This one might just sound horribly complex, lol.
DLC Creation - This is probably one thing I dislike about reality, but I’d be fine with in the game. The ability to create DLC once your game’s release. Either Downloadable or Disc-Locked Content, too. The game could react positively or negatively from both critics and fans if one of the types is chosen. Since DLC was common when GDT came out, I dunno why this was omitted (closest I think vanilla has is MMO expansion packs). For instance, critics and fans could periodically hate “Day One DLC” or Disc Locked Content when it’s content that “should have been in the game”, depending on how much content you’d allocate to Disc Locked or opted in for Day One DLC.