My game wont update!

I bought Game dev tycoon on windows store and it says that i need windows 8 to download Game dev tycoon!
I found a post on the forum where is says that i need to go to windows store and update it there if i bought on there.

I also checked the in-game menu and my current version is: 1.3.2

I need help please :slight_smile:

Hey, just to confirm, you purchased Game Dev Tycoon from the Windows 8 Store while you were using Windows 8.

Are you still using Windows 8?
If so then your game should have automatically updated, if not you can force an update by following these directions;

I would advise reinstalling the app as this will also make sure you can see the “get steam key” button in the right click menu.

I have windows 7… and i just found out that i bought with paypal… Anyway i still didnt get the email.

The Windows Store is only for people with Windows 8

Please read this FAQ;


"9. I’m using the Windows Store version, why can’t you simply send me an email?

Microsoft does not pass any customer information to developers. We simply do not know who you are and that’s why we cannot send you an email. You will have to use the process from within the game to claim your key. Please do not contact us with a purchase invoice from the Store, we can only give out keys via the game client. There are no exceptions."

For those who have removed Windows 8:

Your best option is to install windows 8 on a Virtual machine or use a friends windows 8 machine to access your Steam Key.

You couldn’t have bought on the Windows 8 Store without having Windows 8. Please simply look for a confirmation email from our payment provider fastspring, using the email address that is linked to your paypal account.

I found out that i didnt buy my game on windows store, i got some bad memorie… But still i didnt get my email thingy

Your best bet is to email our distributors directly - with your full name, payment type and the email address that pertains to the account. They will then search for your account on their system and re send the order fulfilment email.