Competitive multiplyaer could be really good in this game, and it would work like this:
a special Multiplayer save would be created (private one), where you invite your friends (untill a cap) and start playing at year one. In order to play it, all the players that were there when it was created must be online.
Consoles and game- If me and my friend are playing together (Company A and B) and Company A makes an RPG and company B makes an RPG, there would be a competition between them. If my game would have less Design than his, his game would sell better. Same in consoles- If both of us make a console, there would be a competition between them. Which one has better games? which one is cheaper? (yes, I think they should add a price for consoles)
Working on a game TOGETHER- If me and my friend make a contract to work on a game together, we can make even BIGGER games! this could really add to the game.
4)Contracts- If my friend would like to, he can give me a loan or just a gift. The one who gives the money decides if he wants the other person to pay back slowly.
If my friend has a good series of games, I can pay/ask him in order to make a sequel. This thing could also add bargains to the game.
Those are just my ideas. Any one have anything that could make a (possible) multiplayer mode better?