Move to 3rd LV Office?

I have capitalized enough money already, but the message isn’t showing up. Is there a time cap where the notification to move to the next office is shown? I’ve been waiting for 3 in-game months!

I haven’t been playing GDT much.

Why is your screenshot 1365x767, it’s cutting 1 pixel from each side

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idk, just save the game wait for a long time (don’t do anything, just wait) and see if it shows up. When it does then just play like you would to that moment

I always thought it happened after you release a game

Try hiring all the employees you can or just try waiting. Not sure why that is happening.


Okay, after hiring my 4th employee and upgrading my office’s computers, I can finally move on to the next LV. Just a whole 5 years and 70M credits later!

Oh, so you didn’t upgrade your office yet? Well that’s one of the requirements.

Why’s it taking so long anyway? As long as I’ve got the money, I should be able to upgrade the computers. Waiting for that fix in the sequel…

I thought Wave would know better of all people that the upgraded office counts as a new office kek.

Huh… Wha-- Wha… How long have I been ou-- Holy shh–


I made a game called ‘Kek’ in GDT, it got a 5.75/10


u suk xd who cares about moderate games anyway

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Yeah :smirk: games like nekopara :smirk_cat:

:cold_sweat:: Ehumm… | :pouting_cat:: Come here!

it haz 97% positives on steam so shot op and kek

I actually made a sequel to ‘kek’, it got 7.75/10 :smiley: It was named ‘Kekkie’.