So i’ve gone really far into the game at this point, but i feel somewhat limited when i can’t assign each and every person in my team just one task when developing a game and have each one of those people their own specialty which would allow for better games overall and less stress on other staff members. I do know that this is supposed to be somewhat of a challenge, but when it comes to a company that has 3.7 billion in cash, i don’t think those kinds of company’s really just run on 7 staff workers. I would like to be able to do more overall.
Unfortunately GHG said that they would only release patches to the game. Sorry.
EDIT: When I read the title I thought you were going to apply for admin
That’s what I thought as well.
The way I look at GDT is, when in a larger office, Your staff are not your only employees, in fact your staff is more like a supervisor of a group of programers. You assign Bob and his team to concentrate on Sound, while George and his team are unassigned, are working across the board, assisting and pulling all the parts together in to a whole.
Maybe when you reach the third office, there should be a recruit Team Members for each of your staff along with Training.