More consoles = More historical accuracy

Hello, muscly organs of green! I just want to suggest you add some more consoles to the game to make it more accurate. Like for example…:

3DO Interactive Multiplayer
Atari 2600
Phillips CD-I
Virtual Boy
Gameboy Advance

If you included more consoles to develop for than the game would have more choices you could make, even if the console doesn’t have a very high peak marketshare dominance. I know programming is hard to do but if you do this than I would be eternally happy. :smile:

Sincerely yours,

Robert Hedgeland.


Very good idea, but for more consoles to be added part of history, I think to balance this, time would have to be slower otherwise it would be very unrealistic.

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or the “game-time” (the default 30 years) should be extended or completely removed. So theres more “room” for new consoles.

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I don’t think that would be wise…

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I think it might be too crowded if you add every console, especially the failed ones. I do want one more Gameling since the original hangs on way too long, but not a Virtualing. If accurate to real life it would have to be gone in two months.

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If time slows down, each console can last up to 2-3 years depending on how long it actually lasted and how slow the time would be ingame.

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I’m not saying for it to be completely realistic, the console length would be relative to the game time. Or just scrap this idea entirely since how many people disagree with me.

Well say PS1 was out for 4-5 years which it was I think, you could slow the game length in the actual game and fit that time in, because it would make sense.

Some rebuttal
CD-i: It sucked
Atari 2600: The game persumely took place during the Video Game Crash of 1983, so it’s illogical to have a console that is doomed to fail at the start of the game.
3DO: It might work, the dev cost will be lower than other consoles but failed to gain much of a market share.
Virtual Boy: Discontinued on the same year of release
GBA: The only console that might actually be added

To be honest, I don’t want historical accuracy. I want to create an alternate universe where the G64 ran the PC out of business due to 1 dude in his garage. I want to make so many RPGs for the TES64 that the -PS1’s Game dev Tycoon version here- fails and Vonny stops making consoles. I want the Gamesphere to continue using cartridges due to my constant 9+ rated games for TES64. I want EA and Activision to start making ripoffs of MY games, and for gaming to be dominated by the genre I push (rather than shooters as in reality).

Basically, I want the game to play out differently each time I play it, based on my actions (kinda like a reverse FTL).


^^ amazing idea , so creative tbh :L

I know… I know. I guess it didn’t even sounded good on paper.

I think it would be great to make launch titles. After announcing the soon release of a console, we should be able to develop.

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I’d love to be able develop hit games that change the history of the console wars.

Something that would help with introducing more consoles is if games could be developed for consoles starting once they were announced, rather than starting once they’re released. It would expand the development window for each console. Having ‘launch day’ releases is just plain cool, too. Games developed during the leadup to a console launch should get bonus hype-growth.

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I’d be satisfied if they just added Android. They have an iPhone analogue, even an analogue for the laughably pathetic Windows tablet platform (pathetic in marketshare, can’t vouch for the user experience), but the dominant mobile OS? Nothing.

I would love to create a mobile game product.

But seriously though, no Game Boy Colour, Game Boy Advance, Sega Master System, and PS Vita?

Please add Gameling Colour, Gameling Advance, Vena Super System, and PPS Vita!

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Oh wait, i just realized there is Master V. :confused:

Could some of these be represented by changing the graphics on the consoles, similarly to what is done for the PC over time?

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Maybe. Though atleast some console expansions would help.