More consoles and Logos for games?

Laugh of the day:

falls off chair

Anyway. Good, there are a lot of mods out there doing this. Take a look at Expansion Pack as example :smiley:


Witaj przybyszu z… no z tego zadupia.

Ummm yeah

There are tens of mods whose add platforms, you can see them in the Official Mod List, or Steam Workshop.


And what about the idea of adding their company logo in the game? There is already a mod perhaps?



:frowning: ołł shit …no goood maybe some one creat it when see my idea :smiley:

Z tym powinienieś łatwo tworzyć własne konsole (tworzyć mody)

Hope i helped.

Nu swearing for swears’ sake!


okey sorry for swearing :slight_smile:

but what about the other topic? if there is already a mod that gives you the ability to create or add logos to the game ?

nope, but maybe someone will create it.

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You beat me too it, you…


Hahaa soo funny :DD okey u got me hahaa so what google translate is stupit it’s not my fault , quickly wanted to write about this topic and why did not fix the wrong text it’s my fault , but the fact it was not too wise : D

I suggested not to pay too much attention for mistakes and more focused on helping me in finding answers about the subject :wink:

Z tym powinienieś łatwo tworzyć własne konsole (tworzyć mody)

[REL] [Tools] UltimateSuite - UltimateLib [1.3.4]

This post was last Updated on August 11th, 2014 This post was created on February 9th, 2014 Welcome to the official UltimateLib part of the UltimateSuite thread on the Greenheartgames’ community forum. This project has been founded and is maintained by @alphabit and @SirEverard. Ultimate Suite for GameDevTycoon The Ultimate Suite is a bundle of components and tools aimed to simplify and extend the development of expansion modules for the game “GameDevTycoon” by Greenheartgeam…

Hope i helped.

Nope , i dont’t add a new platform(consol) others company, but my in Lab Section i got a mod in which I can make computers as other options besides creating consoles it’s cool :slight_smile: but i whant to got more colnsols also . So it would be great if it could be to create your own game consoles and then create them in the lab , pleas help me guys!

… Twój angielski jest koszmarnie połamany ale chyba wiem o co ci chodzi, chcesz moda który umożliwi ci dodanie własnej grafiki dla konsoli którą tworzysz w laboratorium, tak?
Bla bla bla, everybody except him can ignore this post, nothing interesting.

no dokładnie szukam takiego moda który da mi możliwość dodania konsol wiekszej ilosci niż jest z grafiką włąsną itp ;-D

to takich niestety nie ma.

No własnie zastanawia mnie to czemu własnie takiego nie ma ehh : ( szkoda

bo to by było trudne do zaprogramowania i nie było zapotrzebowania na taki mod (nikt o coś takiego nie prosił).

Hi i want guys to someone of you create a new mod , in we can create a new consol of the list in Lab :slight_smile: i know it is passible to do because i have a mod in which i can add a new platform computers and for that please you create that mod for me !!!