Modding - Need help

Hello guys. I’m trying to make a mod, and as you guessed, yes, I’m using the mod API, who doesn’t?
No Ultimate Lib. Anyways, the documentation that I find in Github has a very good documentation and all, but I don’t really know what is the basis of these two files, what I mean by basis is what is the code that surrounds the actual mod code. I believe no one asked this question but hey, I’m a n00b. Anyways, I have tried seeing the files from other mods, but I am unable to get it, as I confuse it with the other code. Can somebody help me? All I want is just that, and if you are nice, a few tips.

EDIT: How is it possible, in an event, to get the name of the company the player owns, to use in the text? Like how we use {0} to get the name of the game in development.

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Nevermind figured it out.

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