MMO needs Online play?

I know it is kind of stupid, but if i launch a MMO does it need Multiplayer or Online Play ( the more expensive one then Multiplayer ) . Yes i know what MMO means, but iam a bit confused and unsure, due the wiki isnt telling me that i dont need to implement it :blush:

Same goes for Basic Physic, if i put advanced physics with it, basic is still selected !?

Thanks in advance

If it’s an MMO, it’s already online. Think of it more as… if you invest in those features, you’re spending more time working over the engine engine to make sure those traits are really polished.

Basic physics and advanced physics should probably exclude one another. Be careful of your feature completion percentages. Putting in more features than you can actually complete just wastes money.

Thanks :smile:
Now iam more save at investing my money :wink: