Mixer Present - OS Windows/Plataforms MOD- Coming Soon

This mods is in Language: English and Spanish :computer: :us: : :es:

WARNING :warning: : This Mod is Compatible with Game Dev Tycoon! 1.4.x!

But… You need UltimateLib 1.3.3 and GDT API 0.1.x

:arrow_forward:This mod… :arrow_down_small:

Present— Plataforms . Alpha in 12/28/2014


Windows 95 - First M/D/Year - 1/1/1

Windows 98

Windows 2000

Windows XP

Windows Vista

Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 10!

NEW! Reserch!

Touch Screen - :computer: :floppy_disk: :no_entry: NOT COMPATIBLE WITH OTHER MODS! :warning:

HardWare - Nvidia and ATI

Processor - Intel and AMD

Motherboards - ASRock and Gigabyte

And More…

Coming Soon… - 12/28/2014 or 12/29/2014 :smiley:

GDT 1.4?
I think 1.5 is the newest.

is for more compatibility. if some are in this version (1.4.x)

THIS MOD IS Compatibility with GDT Recent version or 1.4.x :wink:
