Milestone Games!

Basically, just post your milestone games IN UNITS! not in money profit. Publisher published games does not count though, but if you don’t remember, it’s okay just put it. Just post the stats/pictures of your games. Just post your first 50k, 100k, 500k, 1m, 5m, 10m, 50m, and 100m games (and above). Like this :

Yes, i just hit 10M units sold just now.

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I cant upload any pictures
but I have
Units Sold: 152,504,141.5M
Profit: 617,304,575.4M
Avg, Review Score:: 7.5
this website comes up with names for you if you cant think of any

I started a new game and played through to the end just for this thread. I took a screen shot whenever the game announced a milestone. I had quite a bit of overlap, though.

This is just a collection of my self-published non-MMO first time milestone-breaking games.