Start in the 80’s were you have your small market/store, as you ship and sell consoles and products and games and you’ll get money and with that:
*hire employes:
choose a deep presenter for sure purchases (Quality)? or a searcher for multiple purchases (Rolling customers)?
*ship products:
ship products from (amazon) or from an official store and sell them
*be a specific store:
like games? sell tons of games and consoles
like movies? sell best selling movies and movie players
like toys? sell fun toys like a mini soccer or a putty
like technology? sell smartphones and laptops!
and others!
*research possibilitys:
make an online web, make an ad, make billboards ads!
*mod compatible:
make mods as consoles or movies
*High quality shipping for a trusted store? or Fast shipping for less shipping prices and more products (more customers cuz people will in your store)?
*make sales and gain fans!
*organize and decorate and color and put props!:
put an android prop
organize an area for games, phones, etc. for faster purchases
place stickers and paint walls, floors, etc. for more customers
make a custom logo for your market from your computer
dependent storyline:
*own game dev tycoon and saved to the cloud? put your games you’ve made into your market!
*low quality? fragile items broke while shipping? have a fun argument (like:"hey, I’ve paid 1.79M $ for the store and now im gonna waste it? (actually you just used 500K $) and “You stink!”)
*be on the mall for more customers and specified ones or in the street for cheaper paying
How is this similar to game dev tycoon were you create your product?
its mod-able so you’ll create a putty for example and put it in your store and you see “the magic putty is shipping with low quality”, actions:
support by donating it and help it and then it’ll be back again (pay 2M) (20% more customers if succeed, nothing but wasted 2M if not succeed)
take it off your market (more spaces for your other products)
ignore (if no other stores sell it anymore then people will get in your store (5% more JUST FOR THE PRODUCT so if they didn’t liked ones they saw it, you know))
make your market bigger and bigger and beccome like BAWSBUY’S (best buys)
keep in mind its an idea