After playing this game several times and using this games wiki to my help, I often manange to send out good good games. Only category that I have problem with is Action. Are you supposed to handle this genre as you handle simulation/strategy? And how should the tech/design balance be amongst my workers?
It is simular to Sim and Strategy, but you will need more Technology points for action then you would need for all other games.
You probably are able to make good Strategy or Sim games because you won’t have to be spot on when it comes to T/D balance.
25% plus or minus will not harm your game.
But if you have a 1.4 T/D ratio for a action game, which requires a 1.8 T/D ratio then you are way off.
Sim and Strategy will have no penalty, because they need a 1.6 T/D.
There is no use of giving precise numbers for your staff T/D balance, since sliders and features are also affecting the game T/D ratio.
But make sure that you staff is heavily trained towards tech and find a good balance that way.
Divide the amount of tech by design to see what your ratio’s are.
Hope this helps.
Thank you very much for the anwser, I actually tought strategy/sim needed more tech than action games. You also made me understand what T/D ratio means. Right now I had a 1.55 ratio so I’m gonna try to improve it.
EDIT: You mentioned that Action games need 1.8 strat/sim 1.6. Do you happen to know the ratio for the other games? Thanks.