Hey guys sorry for my bad english (French)
I am making an 2d game about game development for my project
We are an group of 4-5 students
So i am just asking for any idea about features
I want to remove game point dividing like certain points to design,sound
Your game rating is going to based on your experiance
Sounds awesome!
Feature Request: Dont say you’ll make a game if you’re not going to!
Why are people ripping off Game Dev Tycoon on its own forums?
There not just ripping off of the forums, look at steam.
Even steam discussions?
Nope, the steam games, Pro gamer manager, and in steam greenlight you’ll find even more
The worst thing is that they immediately decide to make a game based on what they play. I bet Patrick Klug and Daniel Klug began their career by making VERY small games or programming small projects.
Yeah. Basic prototyping. That’s what every game developer does before they step into a giant hole!
If you develop games in it it has ripped off Game Dev Tycoon, end of.
You really cant force them to end its GDT Rip Off.
I was being sarcastic if you couldn’t tell, also please speak English, I cannot understand what you mean.
My english is fine. If your talking about the shortcut words, ( example GDT [Game Dev Tycoon]), you could just tell me. If its something else, reply with your concern.
Well the way you formed the sentence doesn’t make sense
"You realy cant force them to end"
Explain please, who’s forcing who to end what?
"its gdt rip off"
adds more to the confusion.
Sorry if I offended you, but I just cannot understand it, again, sorry if I offended you.
When i mean “Can’t force them to end” i do mean When somebody is in process of ripping off Game Dev Tycoon, the developers can’t really lawsuit the rippers unless:
- The Ripped off Game is released
- Somebody leak to their ripper information
- Etc ( End o̶f̶ thinking capacity [ Which also means by, “And so on” ])
First off, “Its Game Dev Tycoon rip off” just sorted to GDT, Second pretty much its the same complement ( Comment ) to the first one.
I knew what GDT meant, but honestly you can’t sue game developers for making a sort of game that wasn’t really invented by one person, just because you develop games in it doesn’t mean it’s a GDT rip-off, if They’re GDT rip-offs, then isn’t GDT a rip-of of Game Dev Story?
The complement you’re saying is a hole 'nother ( another ) story. Besides, what your saying by a huge complement is the word I.N.S.P.E.R.A.T.I.O.N, Which I do understand from what you’re saying.[quote=“Snaked_Snake, post:16, topic:16404”]
if They’re GDT rip-offs, then isn’t GDT a rip-of of Game Dev Story?
Again, [quote=“soniczcat, post:17, topic:16404”]
what your saying by a huge complement is the word I.N.S.P.E.R.A.T.I.O.N, Which I do understand from what you’re saying.
P.S. If we,as of us, going to continue this fight. I suggest you PM (Private Message ) me.
You can use in 2D games use flat graphics, called sprites , and don’t have three-dimensional geometry. They’re drawn to the screen as flat images, and the camera (orthographic camera) has no perspective.