Make GDT for mobile devices!

Please make this game on the App Store and android store. I have an iPhone and would personally LOVE to see this game get put onto the App Store. Just the only thing I is I don’t know if that is possible because I think xCode uses Objective C programming and this game is written in JavaScript and jQuery so I do not know if that is possible. But please try to make it for mobile devices. I would pay for it again!

actually they’re planning it since april 1st, :smiley:

Spoilers i'm just kidding, but ghg doesnt have plans for it yet. as stated by charlie, [quote="Charlie, post:5, topic:3816, full:true"] At this stage we don't have any plans to support other platforms yet. It will be awhile before we will be able to consider other platforms for the game.Also the reason why not is due to incompatibilities with the software the game is built on. There are a few threads about with more info on this. [/quote] they don't have any plans for mobile release yet.

Alright, I’m thinking that GDT wouldn’t be too hard to port. (considering HTML 5 and JavaScript are compatible with mobile devices)

However. it would take time to redesign everything. Maybe on tablets it would be easier, but they would still have to fiddle around with the design.

The biggest issue would frankly be performance. It lags when you create a big game on my computer, so it would definitely lag on tiny phones.

I’m sure my galaxy s5 can handle it. Lol

You overestimate your phone.

Those bubbles are heavy, man.


True, i’m sure if they wanted it on mobile they have to optimize the hell out of it

They would probably have to remove those bubbles :stuck_out_tongue: They bring titans to a crawl.


Really? A Titan, damn, i knew the bubbles were intensive at the later stages of the game, i didn’t know that they could make a Titan cry xD

I wonder how the game would do on a Titan Z

I ment the processor :speech_balloon:

Oh xD

the phone isn’t that good.


Plus Game Dev Tycoon is basically running in a browser


So it is or isn’t coming to mobile devices?


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