Lost my game can some one help me

my PC got blue screen and i lost all of my data and game dev can some on help me i love that game :frowning: <3


use the link on the last reply.

i lost all of my hard drive memory and game dev -_-

To redownload GDT, you should check your email for the original order receipt. This email contains your download link for redownloading the game. This is also the official procedure for installing updates, so you should keep the email safe.

If you have lost your email, you can email Fastspring and ask them to send you a new receipt (search these forums for the address). Alternatively, send a message to support@greenheartgames.com or PM @Charlie and she will help you through this process.

As for your game progress, you can simply start a new game and it shouldn’t take you long to catch up.

PS: If you bought the game via the Windows 8 Store, then you can just ignore this post and use the Store to redownload the game.

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