Looking for Pixel artist!

I have a game I’m making and I need some pixel artists!

@gamedev13600 What type of game?



@gamedev13600, why don’t you reply on the Tv Executive Tycoon - New Team topic?

He calls it TV Executive Tycoon, click here.

I’m practicing pixel art, but for now, i’m bad

I think he’s been kicked out of that team…

I do some pixel art but i am not that good. I can still help you. BTW in my school everyone calls me Pixel. Cause i am good at games and tech lol :smiley:

This is how he was kicked out of the team:

This was the best replica i could find

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Stop using this on like every post lmao

@LineLiar, i don’t think he’s a woman


A 2d rpg game

nah m8, he was talkin about making an rpg to me on skype, so i guess he wants some help. i can’t do pixel art that well tho, i can do stills (kinda) but i can’t anim8 m8

I cant animate but i can do graphics very well. and i can give you each sprites own png