(Looking for mod team)(Requesting Help plz)Gamers Universe

I want to make a huge mod for game dev tycoon and I was wondering who would want to help me with it there would atleast be 80 or so new researches and 30 + new events given that I get help from you guys please help me make this mod possible!Credit would be given to the helpers! thanks for reading!

Its easy to make an mod if you will stick to API. So, I can help with platforms, topics and researches.
BUT. My mom is hidding my laptop D:, so I cant

I can only do topics lol XD

I would love to help! :smiley :smiley:

can you make custom researches ideas or what?

Do not do any topics! There are already so many topics with the mods that exist already what we need is researches and events topics are not really needed so i suggest stick to researches events and maybe even new ways to hype a game like game demo releases or something like that

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I dont have any topics planned

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My laptop is back! Yay But now Im working on updates on my own mod. So, I cant anyway.

ok thats fine

Well im just saying no topics because i dont really care much for the topics id rather have research options and events instead of having more topics that are all the same haha

XD so any research ideas?

yes actually be able to research upgrades for systems like higher memory for a system you release i wanna be able to make newer versions of your systems without having to create the system all over again