Looking for coder to help me create a mod idea!

Hey there! I have a semi-serious idea and would love to actually help make it a reality. I discussed it with a friend of mine today and we were thinking, what if we made a mod where you could add micro-transactions to your game? Sure you may lose fans, but you can make up for it in how much money you’ll be making! Possibly introduce a paywall?

All ideas right now, I honestly would make this mod myself, but I have no coding experience whatsoever. What I can really provide is ideas + possible art that we may or may not need.

If interested, post below, add me on skype, steam, etc. Thank you!

Steam - https://steamcommunity.com/id/gavmull
Skype- Gavmull12

Thanks again!

it is probably EAsy.

it never is

the easy part I mean
I agree with the ea part

Anyway that’s a cool idea, but I doubt that you can find a coder for your mod on this forum.

I have recently made this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=529321951&searchtext=
So I think I could help you with your idea (I’m pretty confident in programming for Game Dev mods and know the engine/workings of the game pretty well by now), it’s a good idea and adds an extra level to which you’d have to find a good balance, you could possibly also have updates/DLC that would again cost money and make fans hate you but make lots of cash. I like it.
I will send you a friend request through steam (my name is “Steiner”) and we could discuss it. Only thing is, I’m in England, so time may be an issue.

Hey thanks for everyone’s replies so far! Rubix I have sent you a FR as of about a minute or two ago lol.

Go to code academy


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This is the best answer on this thread.

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