Hey there! I have a semi-serious idea and would love to actually help make it a reality. I discussed it with a friend of mine today and we were thinking, what if we made a mod where you could add micro-transactions to your game? Sure you may lose fans, but you can make up for it in how much money you’ll be making! Possibly introduce a paywall?
All ideas right now, I honestly would make this mod myself, but I have no coding experience whatsoever. What I can really provide is ideas + possible art that we may or may not need.
If interested, post below, add me on skype, steam, etc. Thank you!
I have recently made this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=529321951&searchtext=
So I think I could help you with your idea (I’m pretty confident in programming for Game Dev mods and know the engine/workings of the game pretty well by now), it’s a good idea and adds an extra level to which you’d have to find a good balance, you could possibly also have updates/DLC that would again cost money and make fans hate you but make lots of cash. I like it.
I will send you a friend request through steam (my name is “Steiner”) and we could discuss it. Only thing is, I’m in England, so time may be an issue.