Loading .css files to mods?

Hello, I want to load a .css file to my mod. I’m trying to make it to add new custom buttons. Any ideas how to add a css file into a mod? I don’t think loadJs will work.

I told you that in your divs there is only HTML. Simply load your css spreadsheet I think. Wont promise it’ll work, but probably.

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Yeah but how? I’m making a button named blueButtonMB , which replaces orangeButton in an UI. How to load CSS from Javascript files, idk.

I already told you.

This website gives you a more detailed explanation.

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Super simple code, just add a link reference to your style sheet straight to the head using jQuery.

$("head").append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./mods/YOURMOD/myCss.css">');

Thanks guys :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait, so the CSS isnt supposed to use GDT.getRelativePath()? What would happen if you post it to the workshop?

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Check this out!

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Hmm, no idea.

Doesn’t matter in this case because the file path is being read from the HTML markup which will use the path where the current html file is located.

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Thanks to you guys, will make this an API like thingy. Or pull request to the original. Advanced modders like you would definitely use this feature, right? Maybe?

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You should not make an API with this. If you dont like using UltimateLib, why would you create even more API’s? :slight_smile: Nontheless, it is such simple code that it wouldn’t be necessary in the first place.

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Maybe. Didn’t know UL used CSS at the first place. Only used one to make some achievements, that’s all.

I never said that UltimateLib uses CSS, but its really way too simple to be added into a library.

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Alright. Alright.

Nothing mean to it, but it seems like you want to create your own library with all the functions you learn from others :stuck_out_tongue: Nothing wrong about that, its just that there are too many libraries out there and libraries are annoying.

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Don’t worry. Since I know it uses jQuery now, I will make more to it.

Like what, if I may ask?

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New borders, for example. Make them either blue, red etc. New color backrounds.

this can’t work if it’s a workshop mod since it’s under ./mods_ws

I think you have to use GDT.getRelativePath() in this case.