[Linux] Error when moving to new location

Files sent! And apparently I have to type more than 20 characters.

thanks. and yes, the forum software likes chatty apparently :smiley:

I have the same problem with Ubuntu 13.04… 64 bit

I have the same problem with Debian 7.0 (testing). So it seems it’s not Ubuntu specific. To make the game work, I just had to install the 32 bit version of libudev0. But I get stuck with this very error on level change.

Same issue in Mint Nadia.

Second on Nadia issue. No sound either, which is weird.

Seems to be a problem on every distro, Arch x86-64 here, same problem.

I’m currently at work, will do so later.

BTW, the game is coded with node.js right?

In my case I have node.js dev libs installed, Could this problem be related to that?

Same here. Tried on wine and the screen stays white while the game appears to run (behind that white screen). Any solution would be appreciated. (Arch linux i686, ugly-hacked udev symlink, jack2 audio)

Same problem, Ubuntu 12.04 - No issues installing using the DEB file.

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Same problem here with Linux Mint x64

Same issue on Arch x86-64.

Sorry for that!
Solution: rename images/superb/level2Desk.png to images/superb/level2desk.png
We will make an update as soon as possible.

DanielKlug, how to make that on .tar.gz version?

I’m sorry, but I installed the .deb and I son’t see and file called level2Desk.png
Where is it supposed to be?

Sorry but I am not familiar with Linux. But according to another post:
When the game starts the contents are unpacked.
Start the game Ctrl-Alt-F1 to go to the console.
ps ax | grep gamedev | grep working-directory
see where the working directory is
mv images/superb/level2Desk.png images/superb/level2desk.png
Ctrl-Alt-F7 to return to the game

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Or use an hex editor like bless and do the rename, (at both places where the string appears !)

Thanksssss a heap for posting the solution DanielKlug.

Question: how did you figure out ?

I didn’t. Pieter did: [Linux] Linux version crash
Thanks a lot.

Just to say that, if you have multi-desktop, there is no need to switch to console mode. It’s enough to change desktop, and come back later. Also, as jamespic said, you can change the binary file itself for a more permanent change.

ive got the same problem with the osx version.
I use hfs with big/small writing.