Learn my own Coding Language! Lesson 1: Spawns, Kill Studs, and Game Resizing

Hi everyone! Today i am showing you my own coding language called Bitware, i wanna let you know that this does not really exist, but if it did, here it how it would go.

Spawn making

Ok, first, when doing a spawn, always add a area where it does spawn and the formula of length times width.
So for a example, start off with this-

1 spawnsize 5 5

That will make your spawn the 5 (length) times 5 (width) spawn. But now, where will you place it? I hope you learned degrees, because lets say i wanna place my spawn somewhere near 55 degrees either sideways or up. Also, i wanna let you know that i call a line of code that goes with something the same in Bitware called a line connect (LC in Bitware language) Also, you can change the 5 and 5 thing to like 5 and 4, 7 and 1, what ever you want, but it CANNOT be above the game area, that will cause a glitch.

1 spawnsize 5 5 LC
2 fifty two degree up
3 twenty nine side
4 end

Good job! Lets say if you wanna put spawns in different areas with the same measurements in four, in each line of code, make sure you do (the number in order counting up) before doing your degree placement in different places. Also remember that first you say before the number say (copy). Like this

1 spawnsize 5 5 LC
2(copy degree line 3+2 before) (1) 39 degree up 24 side (2) 42 degree up 9 side
3 (3) 1 degree up 25 side (4) 24 degree up 27 side
4 end

I think you might get the use of this. But there are one more thing i need to explain. And so, you must NEVER do the before part in our last code after doing a code that is NOT related to the spawn you are making, you must always use before after having the code with the first spawn before the one you make.

Resizing the Game

If you wanna expand the data limit in a game or a computer your making while using Bitware, make sure you use the length times width we did a while ago to resize the limit, but remember, DON’T USE MUCH! Your gonna have to be a professional at Bitware to do that. If you do, the thing your working on will slow down more and more.
For an example, the area in studs of my game i used in my spawns need to be bigger for other stuff. And yeah, the area in Bitware is measuring by studs. And so my game is 100 studs big, i wanna add a other fifty to it. And if you wanna make it visible, add (visible) at the start, to see what i mean, look at this-

1 (visible) maximum stud increase 200
2 add 50 studs LC
3 placement north LC
4 end
Good! But now you wanna make the area MOVE around (i recommend doing this for small parts only), so your gonna now have to put the number of what happened in the lines of code, there were 4 lines of code, so at the start, say (1-4 expansion). Here, let me show you what i mean to move it with the 1-4-( PS- There has to be a plus after the LC without spacebar, because your just doing a Line Connect from a expansion but further, and there can never be a expansion for a line of code that already has one.)

1 (1-4 expansion to 1-3) move east 100 stud LC+
2 move south 100 stud LC+

But regularly, you don’t just want it to stay there forever, it needs to come back, so make sure at the last line of code you need to add does something like this-

3 studs backwards LC+
4 end LC+
Good job! One more thing before i show you adding kill features to blocks. If you want those group of studs to go again over again, do (add loop) at the first line, and if there is a other thing with a ( and a ) put a plus in a middle, EX:- (code+code+code). Here is all the Bitware coding language we did in this session-

1 (visible+add loop) maximum stud increase 200
2 add 50 studs LC
3 placement north left 25 studs LC
4 end LC
5 (1-4 expansion to 5-9) move east 100 studs LC+
6 move south 100 studs LC+
7 end LC+ (add loop area)

Add Kill Features to Blocks##

This is really short to explain how to add kill effects to studs, also to choose the studs you want, remember the degree placement. This is how you start-
1 degree studs north 25 studs
2 add death effect LC
3 end LC

What if you wanna change from a death stud to a normal stud? Use (killclean) whenever nessacery. To show you this added, here is what im talking about-
1 (loop) degree studs north 25 studs
2 add death effect LC
3 (killclean) LC
4 end LC (loop)

Good job! Have any thing you want to learn in Bitware? Message me! (Never mind, to much negativity in the comments.) Well, thats all for this lesson, ill do a lesson every weekend day, ill see you later!

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This language inhales.


Are you trying to say this is bad, or good?

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Just no.


So… you are making instruction for non existing programming language… why don’t you use that time to make that language real?


I just got bored fast, and i have NO IDEA to make this real.

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So do something else. Something productive maybe…


What? I don’t know how to make much stuff on the internet.

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I knew this was a bad idea.]:

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It’s just completely pointless. Why would you read instructions to a coding language that doesn’t even exist? What’s the point?

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I got bored, ok?

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And i TOLD YOU, this doesn’t exist, this is just even a forum, if you don’t wanna read it, then don’t!

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I know it doesn’t exist, which is another reason there is no point to it…

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I only made this for fun, its like i’m talking to a picture on a wall, .-.

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This gave me the best laugh of the day, lol!

reads that is was meant seriously

I’ll just move to another planet, one sec…

EDIT: Also, what programming language has no syntax? You cant just write “fifty two degree up” in any programming language, as the compiler would have no idea what you were doing. It could be a type though, but then you would need to implement every degree into a Degree class.


I agree with everyone else here, I don’t see the point in learning a programming language that doesn’t exist


Your right, i’m not gonna make this no more.

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Mhh maybe syntax ?? But it would take a lot of work

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