Please change the game functions so non-AAA games get good scores and sell better.
You could change it so small games bring less money after medium games are discovered,
medium games bring less money after large games are discovered, etc.
I want to be able to keep my company running at the late game.
Right now I just moved into the final building and get for perfectly created small games super-low scores.
It is impossible to make a game for a publisher or self-publish games for hand-helds and smart-devices because they simply do not support AAA titles.
In real life small games don’t get that good sccores either but that’s more a problem with stupid reviewers than with actual lack of entertainment.
If you get 1week of entertainment from a 70$ game, you should get 1 day of entertainment from a 10$ game.
If you get 2 days of entertainment from a 10$ game, then the game is clearly worth twice it’s price compared to other games, therefore its rating should be higher.
(rough examples)
A small game can have a 10/10 rating, but it just won’t be as expensive as a AAA title.