Kinda Disappointed

I’ll be honest. I was excited when I saw Game Dev Tycoon. I was excited to see a new company and the game idea excited me. But…the game is frustrating, nothing I do ever seems to make sense or improve my chances of making a good game. Honestly, I’d have more fun rolling a dice and hoping for 6 and that feeling gets stronger every time I play. I’ve only managed to get to the end once and I’ve been playing it every day since I bought it last Saturday NZ time.

Well playing games can actually influence this, see, if you play a actual Fantasy Game (Say WOW for example), you know the game focuses on its story, so in the game, if you made a fantasy game, the engine/gameplay would be middle while the story would have the majority of the focus. Its all about knowing the genre. Another example:

Racing Games - They usually have hardly no story, so the story would take about 10% of Development 1, and Gameplay should at least get 65-70% of focus because thats what people want when playing racing games, which is gameplay.

I don’t believe topic actually influences what the sliders should be. So if you make a Racing Adventure (a strange combo, but potentially saleable in the game’s model), it would ‘require’ a strong story, even though racing games rarely have any to speak of.

Note how Cyberpunk Action games in the real world require some dedication to world design, but in this game, the correct world design slider setting is minimized. It’s all about the genre in this game.

I mean Racing Games and added with Simulation/Casual games.