Keep Generating Research Points in the Office

Every single time, I reached to the Office level, my employees keep generating RP. I don’t want those goddamn RP, I want my bubbles damn it! Is this a bug? My employees generate nothing but RPs.

From how you describe it, it isn’t a bug.

You are likely using brand new employees. Your employees are generally not nearly as good as you are when you first hire them. This is especially true if they are a low skill and/or low speed. Their bubble generation will just be a trickle at first. In contrast, they are likely to still have a healthy research point generation. If you are making a new combo game, their RP generation is doubled, so it will likely seem like they are making nothing but research points.

Give them time and a few trainings and their non-research point bubble generation will pick up.

Also make sure to send them on vacations whenever they need them, and to wait for their efficiency to reach 100% after you first hire them before starting your next game.