In this, you post a picture of a console from your Game Dev Tycoon game or describe one if you don’t have a camera or the game, (I don’t have the game, but someday I will!) and the next describes the game or puts a picture up of it, then describes/shows a new console.
My console, the Oasis, is a 3D Graphics V2 console with Multiplayer and Online Play, and all other basic console needs, like Savegame. It looks like a Wii with the PS4 controller.
The game that is released is called First Fantasy XVI (yes, I am up to First Fantasy 16…), it’s review score was 10/10/10/10 and sold nearly 698 octillion units and made $LOTS (No, these statistics are not real)
My console is the CrapCube 65 (also not real), with text based graphics, basic sound, and that’s it.
My game was Fail Fantasy XXXXXXXXXXX
The ratings were a total of 0.25 and it sold 1 unit.
My console is a computor, the Cloudware Pro, it has all the highest researches in it.
Bump(Look at me I’m making a reply to my own console!)
This game is Star Punch, it sold 10000000000000000 copies and got a perfect 11(Is that even possible?)
My next console, the Cloudware Sky, is a Wii-like Green console. It has all the best reaches, and a double support of Multiplayer and MMO!
Pony Wright : Ace Horse
Law - Adventure / Simulation
Horse-Drawn Games and The Wayfarers teamed up to make this game and it sold 1 copy and got a rating of -10.
My next console is The Box, it is a Box. Yes. And it only supports Text-Based games… But you have Surround Sound, Orchestral Soundtrack, Advanced Stereoscopic Text, Online Play, MMO, and Visorius Support!
A box shaped pirate man who explores the T ocean. Fights endless waves of L, A and P robots.
My console is the Gaming Portal, it supports purely 3D and basic 2D graphics. It includes, Surround sound, advanced stereoscopics, online and VR support
Exclusively for Gaming Portal: A spinoff of the Beyond Human series, exploring the backstory of one of the villains. This is a first-person shooter with heavy RPG elements. It can be played on a standard display, or with a VR headset.
Here’s the first console (because I keep starting over) by Horse-Drawn Games, the Gamewagon. I wasn’t sure what I’m supposed to screen-shot because there’s no history page for consoles, but I tried.
Released Y27 M6 W3
3D Graphics V5
Video Playback
Basic Physics
Save to Cloud
Surround Sound
The first fan made game of the classic, Shit of Duty and the rival to the Warzone series. It complements the players ability to explore and reward the player by blowing them up constantly. The achievements were of 5, kill noobolet, a ingame zombie boss, destroy 50’000’000 noobs in multiplayer, get all the weapons and hackers always prosper.
The console designed primarily for the zombie industry, it has a built in system to detect if you are playing a zombie game, and will self destruct if you do not. Critics have praised the new console due to its harsh, but realistic ideas. Customers think otherwise.
Console comes with text-based - 2D 3 graphics. Local multiplayer only, Zombies only topic, Advanced physics and save to hard drive only.
Not Zombies, Walkers
This game was an Alternate History - Action RPG game. It got a 10.25 overall on the critics. Unfortunately, it exploded every GamersBoxMan964848 every single person has.
Another Box
Yes, it is another box. It now supports 2D Graphics V7 (The Wayfarers have created that), Surround Sound, Epic Soundtracks, Visorius Supports, Advanced Physics, and A LOT OF OTHER STUFF
Spoder Man Word Game
Simulation - Superhero/ Vocabulary game on the newest Box System, for mature audiences
The first game produced by Fail Games Inc, this title received astonishing views:
Star Games: 1 I puked all over my keyboard!
Informed Gamer: .1 What the bleep is this bleepbleep you bleepbleepbleep bleepbleep…
Game Hero: 0 Just kill me now.
All Games: -10 I am suing you for wasting my life! You will lose every cent you have!!!
Unfortunately the creators of the Box were sued by All Games for 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
Trillion dollars. The creators could not pay this, and the repo men took everything they had: house, cars, women, and fancy hot tubs with 3D Widescreen HD televisions and custom special limited edition Boxes, where they played First Fantasy XVI and drunk lots of beer.
Console: Noob X
Originally released the year before computers were invented, Noob X not support any type of graphic, sound, controller, game play, or piece of existent matter aside from a few scraps of wood.
Wood Pieces got 0 copies sold, a rating of exactly 0, and made the company lose 111111111111111111111111111111111$. The Noob X creator gas gone bankrupt.
The Cloudware Z is a classic game console, with 3D Graphics V1, and all the stuff of that rank.
This is not what the topic point is. You don’t put a wall of text about your game, and which consoles, just put your game name, the rating it got, and optionally, the cash earned.