Just a shout-out to GreenHeart

I just bought this game earlier today and I just wanted to say that it’s great. I told myself I was going to go to bed at 3:30 AM and here I am, at 5AM, writing a thanks to you guys.

I don’t know why I felt so strongly a need to thank you guys, but I do. Game Dev Tycoon is just so… great. A few months back, I watched the show ‘Indie Games’ on Netflix, and was really inspired by the amount of effort, work, sweat, and tears that go into being an Indie developer.

Seeing that, and now, just playing a simulation of what it’s like, I have so much respect for anyone who can pump out a half-way decent game.

I’ve sat here and gone bankrupt quite a few times in the game, and I can’t even begin to imagine what kind of stress that causes in real life. It takes extremely strong people to get through that.

So there it is. My way-too-long personal thanks to you two for pumping out an awesome and super fun game. I already love sim-games and I have a feeling this is going to occupy a lot of my time for a while. Thanks for being kick ass. :smiley:


I have to say it was almost the same for me.
I bought game yesterday at 5PM, then thought I will have a quick go. 2AM and I was still playing, curse you GreenHeart Gaming.

Well done guys, Very enjoyable game. Any chance of them being released on IOS or Android. I know I would pay again, :).

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Thanks for the feedback guys! :smile:

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This is all the truth. GHG is awesome! :love_letter:

-le has to buy every game coming out by Greenheart Games-

Hear hear !!

Recently bought this game, and I lost hours of sleep for the last few weeks…
Been playing this game for the 5th (or is it 6th?) time now…

Keep up the great work, guys!