Issues with the Game, My

I love this game, its insanely addicting and tons of replayability.

And by replaying it heck load of times, I can’t help but notice…

  • Can’t put project on hold! :frowning:

  • Can’t send people to vacation before they tire.

  • Staff can’t gain skills points while dev’ing?!

  • Can’t stop time manually with keyboard or a pause button, because…

  • Bad mouse clickboxes.

  • Click missed? Bye 1/4 of the week!

  • Can’t dev games for consoles before their release :frowning:

  • Reviews are really not helpful at all!

  • Imagine if GS, IGN, PCG, RPS etc. review this game without listing the goods and bads.

  • Number animations, both for G3 and reviews takes too long and not skip-able.

  • As of 1.4.4 scrolling back and forth HW lab while its fully operational and while you are dev’ing makes the game choppy.

  • Without reviewers telling you whats missing, selecting game features seems like an unnecessary chore of guessing.

  • Game feature selection not enforced!

  • AAA MMORPG without save to cloud, character progression, online play, skill tree can get me 10/10.25!.

  • Before 1.4.4 MMO makes crap ton of money,

  • As of now new expansions of both large and AAA only sell for less than a month, and its all red.

  • I can alternate between two topics with the same genre slider settings and keep getting 10s.

  • But I can’t make a sequel right after the game.

  • Say, GHG made GDT and everyone be like “can’t wait for a sequel”, but no, GHG can’t make the sequel yet, not before another game, cuz it gon be bad.

I understand its too much effort to pull someone out from your upcoming projects to make more improvements for a $100k patch, but I hope your next game will be even more awesome!

Do select “Better user experience”, Tabs are way easier to navigate than having to wait for the drop down list to animate. :smile:

"Can’t wait for the sequel!"
I’m serious, and I’m pretty sure the reviewers won’t dock points off. :stuck_out_tongue:

If it’s an MMORPG, you already have save to cloud, character progression, and online play at the very least. You just didn’t give them much budget for testing and support. They aren’t as polished as they might have been. If your game scored 10.25 out of 10, it’s safe to say they were polished enough!

Expansions that don’t lift your MMO sales out of the red aren’t successful expansions.

Didn’t you notice that the Features aren’t about your game, just your budget and dev time? Putting in voicework requires a huge dedication of time in this game, yet somehow most big modern games have them. Action games, where dialogues are a denigrated component, are even more likely to have them. They’re probably in your large games too. You know how your game company takes jobs for a few tens of thousands of currency units to implement a feature for someone else? It’s that kind of thing. Selecting a feature in this game means you’re integrating it early in your design, testing it close throughout, and showcasing it in the final product. A game with voiceovers isn’t just a game that talks to you. It’s a game with awesome voiceovers.

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Thanks for the response. I always thought of features as “add these into the game”, now I should view them as “focus on these”.

I kind of had to get there when I got far enough into the game that whether I’d have a Save system was in question. Endgame engines have so many features, if it’s “add these”, then… Well, how do you play a AAA-sized game with no saving? Forty-hour RPGs are not meant for marathon play.

That basically horrified me, so I came up with the “focus on these” explanations in self-defense. :stuck_out_tongue:

Some of your other complaints I have no clever response for. The “click missed = days lost” one is a recurring frustration for me in my own play, and it did seem odd that staff learn so little while working. They do learn a little - high-level devs are more efficient, and your company’s skill levels at the various sliders do increase output (I think). Still, they don’t learn skill points, and that can lead to it being correct in the third office to fire your underperformers and replace them with fresh talent.

It’s helpful on Large titles, and critical on AAA titles, to have your devteam on synchronized vacation periods. That always seemed unnatural to me. It basically draws from not being able to put projects on hold. If someone in your dev team goes on vacation during a development project, the finished product is going to suck!

Thanks for the ideas :smile: