Is there any chance for online multiplayer

pls guys.

we try anything, but the mod isnt working… noboy cant find my server.

why is there no official multiplayer? Im sure much people would pay for it (dlc or something) we are in the year of 2015 and playing with friends is a essential thing.

is there any game out there like game dev, mad games, or something like this (company simulation etc) with a multiplayer?
i would cry for this. would be such fun.

The problem with this is that Game Dev Tycoon is designed to be played on solo. For a game like this, having multiplayer requires some special to changes to the game, because most events wouldn’t make sense in multiplayer.

it dont needs to be very deep.

let me say you start at the same time with your friends, you can see scorelist, you can see if he release a game, maybe codevelop, some interactions, things like this.

gdtmp mod sounds ok but it doesnt work anymore :frowning:

Because no-one is interested anymore. To make multiplayer successful with a game like GDT you would need to do a lot of things such as major decisions during co-development that affect the game and press buzz and all that stuff. That would simply take too long to implement.

is there any other game like this with multiplayer?

As far as I know, no :confused:

Sims like GDT are usually just designed for singleplayer gaming only, because they’re not in real time.