Is the DLC Shareholders’ going to be real and if yes how much will it be

I have looked on the blog and one thing witch Cort my eye is about a dlc and I looked at the day April 1st and I was Wondering If this dlc is real and If yes How much will it be Sorry if this is spam but I just wanted to know and I cant wait for this game to be on steam

April 1st, i guess it says it all :smile:

April 1st… Well… Yeah…

I was sad when it was only April Fools -.-

:smiley: Happy April Fools :smiley:


Just make sure you guy’s consider it when you make an expansion :wink:

You guys tricked us!
I was so excited of the Expansion pack in that time, until i scrolled up again to the date… :stuck_out_tongue:


If you see in the background, you see that on the bulletin board it says “LIE” and stuff like that. I thought it was real at first too, until I saw that :smiley:

Well Im disapointed… Well I quess Ill have to done with out

Oh 1 last thing I feel Like where it said LIES on the Bill borad It ment Lieing to the press

Maybe it should have said that the cake is a lie… Because the cake is always a lie.


No, no, no… The Lake is a Pie!

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Did someone mentioned cake?

Nope. They lied! The cake isn’t real!

Why have the discussion moved on from a serious game, to a cake? I <3 internet.

People are weird when they are on the internet.

Well at least if GHG are out of options, they can choose this DLC :stuck_out_tongue:

What, The cake is a Lie DLC? :wink:


Will there be cake in the DLC?
Don’t tell me it’s a lie.

“Treat DLC”: Give your employess treats to boost their efectiveness :S See the treatmonster blast trough your games as you get new genres and topics about CANDY AND FOOD! Terms and conditions only applies if you are a complete nerd. DLC not included.