Is getting the Wii U worth it?

Hello guys and girls, I have a question that’s need answering.

My little brother wanted his own game console because we didn’t like sharing the games. Especially when we both get into a fight because of it. My mom replied that she afraid the my brother gets influenced by violence games and games that contain mild NSFW. So when I was thinking a console for him, a Wii U popped in my head.

After a long time browsing through Gbatemp about playing homebrews on it, its pretty clear that the kernel exploit is going to be released SOON

So the question remained

Is Getting the Wii U is worth it?

PS:Sorry for my bad English :stuck_out_tongue:



but mario
other good games

If you want casual games, then this (or PS4, because it supports indie games) is the best console.

PCs here always contained an unlicensed windows and pricey. To add it all, I have to pirate PC games because my mom never let use her credict card so that

Atleast Wii U games is exclusive so you can’t find mario in PCs.

At the end of this year is a possibility that he get a Wii U.
Also can anyone recommend good games on the Wii U?

Pikmin 3 was nice,
But honestly you can download Dolphin emulator and play original wii games to your hearts content :slight_smile:

Sadly it lagged as hell
And I wanted to play Wii U games not Wii games
Also WiiUbrews FTW

Some good games I have for the Wii U are

Super Smash Bros.
Mario Kart 8
New Super Mario Bros.

Also, get the black Wii U, it comes with more space and believe me; you’re gonna need it.

What games does the WiiU included with?

It depends which one you’re getting… and to be honest I don’t know. But you may have heard of this magical thing called Google© that lets you search things, maybe you should try it!


OMG thx m8. 8/8 gr8 post evah !!!

On the serious side, I visited store over here and found that different games come with the sistem

Also google down for me