Indonesian translation

How to translate this game?
I’ll be glad to give you a hand for the Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) translation.

What the special requirement to do the translation?

Hi, I am from Greenlight Translator. I’d would like to offer my team to translate your game into Bahasa Indonesia. I have a small team that can translate on average 200 ~ 400 lines/day. Also, I’m interested to be a moderator. FYI, most of the members in my team has experience of some sort on translating softwares.
Hoping to hear back soon. Thanks.

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may i help you, too?

May I help? But then again, I’m still thirteen years old so I don’t know if it’s even legal for me. :expressionless:

@all let’s wait for dev reply in this section, and we can help each other to translate this awesome games :slight_smile:

Hi guys, I’m sonya and I’m interested in translating this game into Bahasa Indonesia… just bought the game a couple weeks ago and I think this game is great… I’m experienced in translating open source projects and I would like to join the team… feel free to PM me, alright?

Hai semua, aku Sonya, baru beli game-nya… gue minat buat terjemahin game ini, gue udah lumayan pengalaman buat terjemahin proyek Open Source, jadi gue pikir ga ada salahnya buat ikutan disini… kalo udah ready langsung aja PM gue ya, oke…?

Hey Guys,

We are sorry for the delay, We have merged the last changes and are ready to open more languages if you are ready?

I want to help i from Indonesian to

Can i get it now ?

i’ll help as much as i can if this Indonesian translation started :smiley:
if you need to be in touch with me, i’m always available on Steam (even though my status is “Busy”)

Hey @Biskuit @Exicore011603

Thank you for the consideration. Unfortunately our translation servers went down over the holiday season and we are still working on fixing them. When everything is back up and running I will check with the lead dev if he wishes to start an Indonesian translation.

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Now I’m are still working with the Indonesian Translation.

I’m now working myself on that Translation.
I just already bought the game.