Ideas for mods(Ideias para mods)

Algumas ideias:
graficos 4d(1-7)
voce poder publicar um jogo(ajudar desenvolvedoras indempendetes)
desenvolver computadores
desenvolver celulares/tablets
concorrentes em tempo real
customização/colocar jogos em promoção na grade
colocar jogos a venda em outros sites de doação a caridade(ex:humble bundle,ja tenho um nome de parodia:humble pack
tecnologia directx(1-11)
tecnologia opengl(1-4)
limites de fps(por exemplo habilitar um jogo a rodar ate a 60 fps)(24-ILIMITADO)
desenvolver jogo gratis para jogar
taxa de atualização do monitor(24hz-120hz)
resoluçao maxima(320x160-4k)
voce pode comprar/contratar desenvolvedoras para fazer uma parte do jogo ou um jogo inteiro



atualizações para o jogo(limitando a chance de bugs(estou falando tambem de você não poder corrigir parte do jogo enquanto está desenvolvendo-o)colocando novo conteudo para o jogo,colocar conteudo gratis(estou falando da personalização da grade),e outras coisas)
voce fazer um jogo em 2d e ele ainda ser bom(ganhar notas boas)
mandar ou fazer livros,revistas,filmes,anime,mangá do jogo(aumentará a publicidade do jogo e ainda vai gerar lucros para você)
mutiplos servidores(diminuindo o ping das partidas onlines)
servidores em cada país(diminuira ainda mais o ping)
garantir acesso ao BETA do jogo você vai gerar lucro antes mesmo do jogo ser lançado(isso pode piorar ou melhorar as notas e publicidades do jogo
canal no youtube,twitchtv e outros,onde você pode aumentar a publicidade e o numero de fãs,e possivelmente dos lucros)
Melhor desempenho em computadores de baixos-fins
permitir o download do jogo de graça por determinado periodo,ou para sempre se tornando assim um MMO ou um F4P
(Some ideas:
graphs 4d (1-7)
you can publish a game (help indie developers)
develop computers
developing mobile / tablet
competitors in real time
customization / put games on sale in the grid
put games selling on other sites donation charity (ex: humble bundle, I already have a name of parody: humble pack
directx Technology (1-11)
opengl technology (1-4)
limits fps (eg enable a game to run up to 60 fps) (24-UNLLIMITED)
develop free game to play
refresh rate of the monitor (24Hz-120Hz)
maximum resolution (320x160-4k)
You can buy / hire developers to make a game or a part of the whole game (like gds)



updates to the game (limiting the chance of bugs (I’m talking also you can not fix part of the game while developing it ) putting new content into the game , putting free content (I’m talking about the customization of the grid ) , and other things )
you make a 2d game and it still be good ( earn good grades )
sending or making books , magazines , movies , anime , manga game ( game advertising will increase and will still generate profits for you )
Multiple Site servers (decreasing the ping of onlines matches )
servers in each country ( further decrease the ping )
ensure access to the BETA of the game you will make a profit even before the game is released (this may worsen or improve grades and advertising game
youtube channel , TwitchTV and others, where you can increase the advertising and the number of fans , and possibly profit )
Better performance on low - end computers
allow downloading the game for free for a specified period , or forever thus becoming an MMO or F2P)

I can/will implement some if not all into my mod if you’d like. :slight_smile:

Well, some people want to work on it (@DzjengisKhan?)

Well, that is in some mod… I just don’t remember

Try @kristof1104’s Competitor Mod.

@DzjengisKhan’s Exp Pack.

Free to play, but with premium content?

This Also is in some mod(s).

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It would be hugely helpful if someone would make a mod that tells you the exact percentage of each field in time allocation (bottom bar). Sometimes the sliders can be misleading and very inexact. I want to know for sure I am putting 40% or more into a field, or 20% or less into other fields.

Also, if possible, something that tells me my current tech/design ratio while in development.

About the ‘develop computer’ is about to made computers that no replace the consoles example build a mark of computers.
‘free to play’ your gain to the f2p games is abou the fame of your game’ideas for the grid’example team fortress is f2p but the fame and the gain of the steam is high.

I really like the idea for f2p games. It should be researched like MMO’s, then similar to expansions, you can create dlc bundles to make money. I know there is a way to have GDT set the price of the game itself, so you wouldn’t actually make money from the game, but I don’t know if we can relate the game’s popularity with it’s dlc. We also would need to balance out how much money it takes to create the dlc and the game itself…

I make some corrections in the translate of brazilian-Portuguese to english-EUA,because I make it on googletranslator

delete! @Charlie