Ideas for GDT 2

The title says it all, lets get in the business

  1. Launch titles:
  • When a console is annouced, you will get a request from the console company asking you to make a launch title for their console, and you can ignore the request. After you finish the game, the critic scores appear with the other launch titles of that consoles made by another companies. If most of the launch titles is good ( the avg score is more than 8) the console itself will have a bonus marketshare, and if most of the launch titles is bad ( the avg score is less than 6) the console will have bad marketshare (good for twisting the history of video game).
  1. The effect of good and bad games
  • A little bit similiar to launch titles. If you realeased a good game on a console ( avg score more than 8) the console will have a small bonus marketshare. If you make a bad game ( avg score less than 6) the console will have its marketshare decreased.
  1. The bad effect of hype
  • When there are more than 100 hype points. If the game is bad ( avg score less than 5.5) there will be more fans transfomed into anti-fan each week. If the game is so bad and so terrible ( avg score less than 3), half of your fans will become anti-fans and… good luck!
  1. Spin-off
  • A spin-off game will get a 0.25 avg score bonus if the game itself has diffrent genre or topic than the game it based on.
  1. Yearly awards.
  • In the end of each year there will be an award about the best and worse game of the year.
  1. Multiple projects
  • You can create multiple teams and multiple projects.
    Thats all the ideas that i can think of. :slight_smile:
    Bye everyone ! And hello again GHG forum !