First of all i want to say i really like the game.
however i had some ideas that i think could improve it slightly… well atleast having slightly more freedom in customizing the company/ making it a bit more realistic/ specialising the company
Having all technologies avaliable from the get go, but the later ones being very expensive and slowly they come down in price over time. IE having 3d graphics V7 being 1000s of rp at the begining but then being cheaper at its usual unlock date.
Have consoles being restricted to certain types of features, a Gameling should not be capable of the same type of graphics as an Mbox 360
Bonuses to using a particular platform over and over again, your team gets better at using it, so they should get a small benefit to it maybe.
Killer apps influencing console sales. how about if we were to put out good games (9.75/10s) consistently that console may get a small sales increase an slight market buff
Deals with console makers, like lets say i make lot for the TES and STES (btw the Myth Of Link sereis on Ninvento consoles is awesome) that company may start publishing deals with you, or something similar. i havnt figured this part out yet.
6.This one doenst have much to do with the others but how about somesort of game+ mode, where you take a character from another campaign and play through with him/her with the stats theyve accumulated.