[IDEA]MeThinks - Yes? No? Probably

Okay, so my entrepreneurial ideas are a bit… screwed up. So here’s another one.


###MeThinks is basically where you judge things. MeThinks will be an app for iPhone, Samsung some other major phones. Everyday (or whenever you set it to) it will give you a choice between two objects. For instance, between two fantasy books:

Of course, I’m going to ask for copyright stuff and the graphics will be better, primarily a better font (I had to go over every individual pixel with white to make it stand out), a gloss over the photos and a revamped ‘VS’.

###Once you’ve chosen it will show you how many others chose what you did, and if you happen to search up ‘Fantasy books’ into Google it will automatically show you what you chose, (in this case ‘LOTR’). So instead of where ‘Game of Thrones’ would appear, ‘LOTR’-related items would appear.

###MeThinks would have a wide variety of options, consisting of nearly all UI and some Security options. UI would include: pictures shown, font, brightness, name, themes etc. Security would be: Crash Reports, GeoTracking, - MeThinks might have a feature in which some questions are only shown in area-specific locations, eg.
###Australia: Koala VS Kangaroo, England: Manchester United VS Chelsea.
###This will be funded through GoogleAds, CIA, FBI, and all that advertising stuff. The price? $0.00.

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###If this somehow becomes popular there might be badges awarded:

####- Centurion - 100 thoughts answered
####- James May - Take over 5 minutes to answer a thought
####- Tortillas - Choose Tortillas over Nachos in Mexico

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Are you kidding me? Gamey Throne is obviously the superior one.

master of jokez

I would play it

will it support android 2.0.1?

Is nobody going to point out that he didn’t use a category? No? Okay then.


@WaveJones ._.

@Haxor Probably yes, I’ll code it using Ruby on Rails/Ruby.

@Botahamec, I’m sorru ;-; I didn’t whet 2 put it, end since this is going to be on people’s phones, I thought the ‘general’ public may want it.