I need mod ideas

I never mentioned addTopics…


Each development step have some information that probably affects the final result of the game.

What I’m saying is: mess with that values and see if you can manage to create the Multi-Tier mods using it.

Well, I would have to improve the levels for 1 thing, and there isn’t something specific for Topic

You can use GameManager.Company to know the topic used in the game that is being developed and, based in this information, change or not the values from Mission’s stage…

Well that would affect the sliders percentages a user would have to use right?

That’s a point… but I can’t answer it.
As I said, I don’t know how the game is evaluated after the development process… I’m only suggesting some way of doing it. You can try it and see for yourself if it works.

Btw, it’s more likely to be done if you try it instead of explaining to yourself “why it can’t be done” before even trying, imo

Well I’m trying to picture it in my head, how it would work, it definitely wouldn’t affect the review algorithm, it could only cause increased sales, which I should be able to do, I’ll look into that.

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Just try to get the pros of doing/trying something too xD
Maybe doing something that doesn’t work for this mod in specific you learn something that you can use in another mod…

Anyway, good luck with any project you have.

Well it should work assuming there’s a calculate sales function I could hijack.

@PatrickKlug how do I actually add a research that you can’t put in an engine with a onResearch callback or smth?

Again @patrickklug

Bring back the multiplayer mode… We need GDTMP and how about making Shareholders’ Edition a reality or u can just merge GDTMP and shreholders’ ediiton

I’m not bringing back GDTMP, although shareholders edition looked cool I have no idea what it actually would’ve done

Alright @JayCheetah I thought I’d update you on this a little bit, I’ll make a small mod about this, although for now it will only add an R&D lab research, that’s the only research option I can think of that has a callback for post-research.

If that is the way to go then go for it :slight_smile:

Hey, this is really great idea, go with your plan.

Could you make a mod where you would have to make a deal between a store to sell your games? I E:
5K per month for G64 Store with 40% of income to you. Or like this:
50K per month for Ninvento store with 50% income to you but 5 million upfront pay or 410K per month fee for a year with 80% of sales to you.

you also can only have the game on the stor for up to 3 months at a time but you can renew on the first week of the month that it will on end on IE: if ends on the end of the 2nd month you will be able to renew on the first week.

You also will have to pay more over time but you will pay less the more you put games on there store IE: if put 5 games w/7 star rated games and up in a row you pay 40K less on 400K per month.

also if you get a 10 star rated game you get payed 500K if its before the N64 Payed 5M if before Vonny PlaySystem 3 and 10M if its Before the Playsystem 4

Also if a Company that your buying into a store cant pay you any more you can buy the company for double the amount of money that you would get for buying into the tore for a year IE: G64 store 10 Million (That would be Convenient.)

If you have a game below 3 star rating you will have to pay a fee to the company your putting the game on IE: 2 star game you pay to G64 300K. The game also will be removed form the market within the month.