I need help on MF8

Okay, I know this is unrelated to gaming, but I really don’t go to other forums so the only place I could do this is here.

Using Macromedia Flash 8 (Adobe Flash Pro shits my craptop). I was making an animation for something, right? It had multiple layers and everything. But I accidentally (somehow) made an object for ALL THE THINGS in the last frame. Then it crashed after I saved. I opened it again, and then the animation’s broken.

How do I recover the earlier file?? I can’t undo it since it crashed!

#Urgent…or something.

I know most people here know jack about animation orflash, but I really don’t know where else to look. Anyone got any links I could use?


Techsupport: https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/?ref=search_subreddits
Discussing Animation: https://www.reddit.com/r/animation/?ref=search_subreddits
Flash Stuff: https://www.reddit.com/r/flash/?ref=search_subreddits

That’s all I can do :bust_in_silhouette:

Reddit is banned in Indonesia, sorry.
@Today nope.

edit: turns out /r/croatia is banned in Serbia
and why not

Do Indonesia censor websites? Why? I thought Indonesia was a democracy :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a religious country (but it doesn’t have a main religion, but Islam is a majority) so religion plays a huge factor in censorship. Also, that’s not how “democracy” works.

Stop derailing from my question!

Use a proxy then. Like cyberghost.

Oh my god… Stop derailing. Most people on reddoodid-dah-ba-dah-dah probably don’t use Macromedia Flash anymore.

I can confirm this because I have 36 hours in Democracy 3 on Steam.


I wasn’t derailing, I was just powering your fact with arguments :wink:

we derail because we don’t know the solution to the question.

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you animate?
