I lost GDT for my PC

Uh, hi guys, my PC got formatted (virus), meaning I don’t have GDT anymore, Any ideas to get it back?
(I can’t use my key - it was sent to junk 4 months ago. I don’t have it anymore.)

:frowning: :cry: So sad…

…Uhh… Steam?

That’s too bad though… :cry:

Grant GHG a new years bonus: Buy the game again. ( new achievement ) :smile:

Steam should be still working. if you know your steam login info.

For the stand-alone download link contact orders@fastspring.com, providing them with any order details you still remember ( like email )

I didn’t buy through steam. And we have a power-out, (I’m using my lap-top).

You should have received a steam key though, even if you bought the game directly from GHG Store.

I didn’t though, so what exactly can I do?

Like i already said :slight_smile:

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Didn’t Work…

Sending the email didnt work or you have send an email and expected to get an answer within 1 hour?

Their based in the US, possibly they do not have a 24/7 service.

The actual sending of the email. I’m in AU, and here it’s 6:42 PM. Instead of all this fuss,I think I’d rather just like a link to a download…

Download links are personal, can’t help you there.

To have your order fulfilment email resent please contact orders@fastspring.com and state as much information as you can remember, such as your full name and the email address you used upon purchase.
Fastspring will usually contact you within 24 hours.

Hasn’t happened yet…it’s been a day and a half. Could you just PM me a game code or something?
