I had to stop playing the game for ages. I need a fix

Can anyone help? It’s been months since I can play. I’ve got the mod API. I’ve installed it in both folders. I use steam workshop mods.

Remove your mods then reinstall the game from steam. Test it. If it works put your mods back in and test it.

UltimateLib is outdated,
that could be causing you problems.
Basically from this first error the mod called DLC Mod is causing problems. So take that out.

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Done. Doesn’t change a thing.

Does steam workshop not update it automatically?

It does, but the author has to add an update.
If the author of the mod isn’t making any updates then there isn’t any updates that steam will download.

I installed the one I found on here. Still get every error message. Every mod doesn’t work. There is an error message for every single one.

Uninstall the entire game and unsubscribe to every single workshop mod you subscribed too, then install it again and try playing it completely vanilla

Okay, done it. One error message remains. “Error Could not load mod: UltimateLib.: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘folder’ of null”

There isn’t anything in the bloody folders anymore!

You went to the mod folder?

I deleted everything from it. I searched my entire computer for the UltimateLib file so I can delete it. It isn’t even there.

Ignore the error and just continue playing. That error shouldn’t cause any problems.

I started a new game. It comes up with “GDT event handler error” is my game just completed messed up?

I’m not on windows so I can’t help you too much. But the way I see it is UltimateLib screwed the game up. Its done that for me before the way I had to fix it was to delete all the mods period and delete all workshop mods so they’d never be installed again and reinstall the game. But your problem seems different in some way

I’ve literally deleted everything I can from it. Thank you for helping. I’ll just have to never play the game again sadly!

Did you use Steams Delete, or did you do it yourself to delete the entire GDT?

I used steam delete.

Try deleting every single file that has to do with GDT yourself don’t let steam do it

Edit: and don’t use cloud storage if there is one

I’ll do that. I’ll verify game cache. I’ll just do everything again and then I’ll see.

Error message still comes up. I’m just about ready to give up. :frowning: