It took me a lot of tries, but I finally beat game dev tycoon. I’ve since then been making games in freeplay mode, but the highest reviews I ever get are 8.5. Don’t get me wrong, I’m making good games, I’ll get great combos and put the sliders in the right place, and my most recent game I beat my previous design and tech records by over 200. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. Are the reviewers getting bored of my games? Do I need to start making AAA games to get good reviews, because I haven’t made any yet (I didn’t get to level three until the release of the xbox one). Is this suppose to happen or am I doing something wrong?
Doing the same type of game in a short amount of time has negatives effects, it also does using the same engine for a sequel, just keep collecting data from game reports to help you out.
Thanks, but I already knew that. I always make sure to never use the same topic or genre twice in a row, and I don’t usually make sequels.
You have to not only have the appropriate feature balance, but better overall design/tech ratings than your last high-rated game. So keep training, training, training.
Usually after I make a game I send my employees on vacation, then train them until they need a vacation again. Then I make a new game, and my new games always have a new record, so that’s not the problem. But thanks for helping.
The post-game content isn’t really a freeplay mode. The game is more balanced in the ‘primary’ section, and that’s how you add scores to your high scores board too. It’s a good way to measure your ability from one run to the next.
Also, accumulating hints will make a big difference to your early game. You should find your second successful run faster and less frustrating than your first successful run.
Well, sorry but I knew that too. I think I’m just going to restart the game at this point, but thanks for trying!
I don’t have an answer for you, but do have a similar question. Sometimes I make what should be a 9 or 10 game, and get 4 or 5 reviews. Again, already know which sliders to have high, well trained staff fresh off vacation, no odd temporaries i.e. “strange combinations”. The game just flops with no apparent reason… Rather irritating, though lucky for me it does not happen very often.