Hello! I am Today and welcome to HTMLFD Part 3 where we teach you how to code and what is the point behind coding these things. Before we start, let’s take a look at what we will insert into our html page Hello World:
- We will learn how to insert headers of different sizes;
- We will learn how to insert paragraphs;
- And, we will learn how to insert links.
Okay, let’s start.
Step 1: Edit the file we made earlier(Hello World.html).
Step 2: In the body tags, insert a header. It can say anything. You can add a header from h1 to h6! Can these be applied to the forums?
Remember to close the tag.
**Step 3:** After the h1 tags, add a p tag. It can also say anything. Again, remember to close the tag.
**Step 4:** After the p tags, add a a tag. Now this is a bit more complicated. You must add a attribute. Now, how do I add a attribute? Simple, you insert it in the tag like this:
Note that the hashtag can be changed to lead to anywhere. Like, anywhere on the web. Can this be applied to the forums?
Yes! You can also put some text between the a tags and you can put an image, like this:
The code above shows a picture that links to #.
**Result:** Your code should look something like this:
And, in the browser something like this:
So, that concludes Part 3. Stay tuned for Part 4!
[Link to Part 1][1]
[Link to Part 2][2]
*falls to sleep because of staying all night writing this at fast typing rate*