I’ve been reading a lot of blog posts from Greenheart Games and I noted that Game Dev Tycoon was created using HTML5. I know HTML5 is only a markup language, and I’d like to know what type of javascript kit they used. Is it Atom? Node Webkit? Similarly, I am interested in how they made it cross-platform. I tried working with Node-Webkit before but could only package it to work on windows machines, not Mac or Linux! Any help or guides would be awesome! (FYI, I am familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Java, and Python so I will most likely understand any kind of techy-terms you need to use in a reply so don’t hold back!)
HTML and JavaScript
Obviously, but what I am looking for is the javascript kit. Like for example jQuery, Coffeescript, Atom, Node, etc…
I think they used node.js and Node-Webkit with HTML, JS and CSS.
We published the Desktop and Steam version of the game using node-webkit (now called nw.js). It wasn’t always easy to make this work on Mac and particularly on Linux. We mostly stuck to one version (0.8.6) since the node-webkit project unfortunately seems to have a lot of regression bugs.
I heard really good things about Electron but we haven’t tried moving over to it since Steam integration (via greenworks) isn’t fully supported and the Steam overlay doesn’t work.
Hope this helps. For more info on what tech we use, see our credits page: http://www.greenheartgames.com/credits/game-dev-tycoon/
And because you are using Unity for your new game (which I would love a end of 2015 update for ), you don’t need to rely on any sort of javascript project, right? How hard was it to go from programming in javascript and html, to working with Unity and C++ (or whatever C language you are using)?
Inspired by Game Dev Tycoon I started working on my own textbased-rpg-medieval game haha! I’m writing it in Python 3.4, and when It is complete I plan on making the second version graphical with Pygame!